How to protect your property from windstorms | Harmonia

How to protect your property from windstorms

About 100 windstorms occur each year in Quebec. Winds blowing at 60 km/h for at least an hour or gusts reaching 90 km/h can damage your property. That's why it's important to protect it! Here are some important things to consider.

Is your property in good shape? 

The golden rule for dealing with windstorms is to carefully maintain your home and yard. As soon as a shingle comes unstuck, a fence board comes loose or a window becomes defective, it needs to be repaired. Since windstorms and torrential rain often go together, you need to also check your eavestroughs to ensure that they are in good condition and free of debris.

Investing in preventive maintenance will save you money! Eavestroughs in good shape, for example, can prevent costly water infiltration.

Are your trees pruned and healthy?

Your precious trees are particularly vulnerable to windstorms. They should be pruned every two years. If the branches are less than three metres from power lines, only a Hydro-Québec-authorized tree trimmer can cut them back. If a tree is dead, it is crucial to cut it down. Otherwise, a gust could blow it over. Check your municipality's tree-cutting bylaw before getting out your saw or calling a specialized tree-removal company.

Do you have an emergency kit?

Windstorms can cause power outages. That’s why it’s a good idea to have an emergency kit on hand that will keep your family going for at least three days. The kit should include a flashlight, batteries, non-perishable food and drinking water. Make sure the emergency kit is accessible at all times and check its contents at least once a year.

What to do when a windstorm is imminent?

The Intact Insurance App's Severe Weather Alerts feature will notify you of potential windstorms in your vicinity. As soon as the alert goes off, secure any outdoor items that could be blown away, including:

  • Garden furniture
  • Barbecues
  • Garbage bins
  • Recycling and composting bins
  • Satellite dishes

Are your shelters secure?

Pay special attention to carports and sun canopies. Don’t forget to tie or weigh them down. If the wind blows them away, they can cause a lot of damage not only to your own property, but also to your neighbours'.

Are all your belongings safe and sound?

All toys as well as sports or other recreational equipment (bikes, nets, balls, etc.) on your property should be stored away in your garden shed. Your car should be parked far from trees, power lines and street lights. If you have a garage, your car should be safely protected in it. As soon as the winds pick up, make sure that your home’s doors and windows are closed and locked.

What to do after the storm?

Once the storm has passed, take time to check for possible damage, remove any debris and make any necessary repairs to protect your property. For example, if a window is broken, install a sheet of plywood as a temporary measure if necessary.

Does your home insurance cover wind damage?

Most home insurance policies cover wind damage up to the amount stated in the contract. This includes damage caused by:

  • falling tree branches
  • blown debris
  • water or snow infiltration

If you have to temporarily leave your home while repairs are being made, your relocation costs may also be covered.

How to prepare your claim?

After the storm, prepare to file a claim with your insurance company. Make an inventory of the damage: take photos, and note all the details of the damage. If you are an Intact customer, you can file your claim via the Client Centre app or by phone.

Don't forget to keep all your invoices for cleaning or repair work. You will need them to obtain a refund.

That's it! With these few tips, you are now ready to face the storm!

To find out more about protecting your home against windstorms, contact us! One of our brokers will explain the coverage available to you and can go over it with you if necessary.