Boîte à outils - Blogue - Harmonia Assurance

Pour vous simplifier la vie et vous faire sauver du temps, nous vous avons préparé une foule d'outils pratiques pour la vie de tous les jours.
Merveilleux, n'est-ce pas? 

5 Steps to evaluate your belongings for your home insurance

When choosing home insurance, it's important to accurately evaluate the value of your possessions to ensure you have adequate coverage. You probably have a rough idea of how much your most significant possessions are worth, but do you know the total value of your home’s contents? In case of disaster or theft, your insurance company will ask you to estimate the overall value of all your possessions to compensate you adequately. The steps below will help you to make an accurate evaluation for your home insurance, to make sure you’re well-protected in case of a claim.

Everything you need to know about roommates and insurance

Roommates can be an unforgettable life experience, a fantastic way to save money, and a great way to share the responsibilities that come with an apartment! We're talking about rent, electricity, groceries and cleaning. Whether you opt for roommates as a permanent or temporary lifestyle, it is undeniably practical. But what about insurance? Keep reading to find out what you need to know.

How to make a vehicle insurance claim in just 5 minutes

A car accident can come out of the blue. Whether it’s a slight scratch on the door or a fender bender, these mishaps come with their share of stress and emotion. Fortunately, with Intact Insurance’s app and Client Centre, you can file a claim with just a few taps of your finger or clicks of your mouse.

Sub-zero safety: 7 types of protective gear to keep in your car this winter

Before heading off for a relaxing weekend with the family at the chalet, you always make sure you’re stocked up on antifreeze and gasoline. Congratulations! Perhaps you feel that those precautions make you ready to hit the road. Not so fast! That’s not enough to ensure your safety and your family’s. Become a savvy winter driver by always keeping the following items in your car.