Allo, courtier ? - Blogue - Harmonia Assurance

L'assurance, ce n'est pas toujours simple.
Nous vous proposons donc des explications claires qui répondront à toutes vos questions!

How to save money on your home insurance premium

With adulthood comes independence, family plans, and hopefully (!), enough financial capital to buy a nice home of your own. However, the costs of buying a home can quickly add up – what with mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance expenses and so on. You can easily reduce your financial stress and significantly lower your home insurance premium by following these seven tips:

Buying and protecting your first house

Your dream has finally come true! You’ll soon be getting the keys to your first house of your own. But to avoid unpleasant surprises have you thought of everything before you move in? Our checklist will help you check everything!